Textile Design in a midlife reset

I want to wrap myself in beautiful things that I have designed and made – to feel the hug of the cloth with the emotional intention and communication it evokes. To wear my art on my sleeve. My ambition is to create for myself and see where it takes me- I want you to see me in my work.

theresa mARTin

mixed media art

Frivolous At Last

"A life of pleasure makes even the strongest mind frivolous at last." -- Edward Bulwer-Lytton


a journey through the void

View From Casita Colibrí

gringa musings from a rooftop terrace in Oaxaca

albedo too

more chronicles of concupiscientia oculorum

Alpenglow Yarn

curlie's rovings

Natural Dye: Experiments and Results

A blog by Catharine Ellis

Deep in the Heart of Textiles

Sharing a range of textiles


On basketry, felting, dyeing, and more...

julz crafts

for crafters: spinners, weavers, knitters, quilters etc

fran Brammer

textile art, art and costume.

Wild Daffodil

the joy of creativity

Canadian Art Junkie

Visual Arts from Canada & Around the World

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